
AUX11 provides comprehensive accessibility scanning and monitoring services to ensure your digital content is inclusive and accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities. Our solutions are designed to meet the needs of different markets, including education, business, and enterprise.


* AUX11 for Education:


* AUX11 for Business:


* AUX11 for Enterprise:

Key Features

* Accessibility Scanning: Our scanning tool identifies accessibility issues in your digital content, including errors, warnings, and notices.
* Accessibility Monitoring: We continuously monitor your digital content for accessibility issues, and alert you when new issues are detected.
* Remediation Guidance: We provide detailed guidance on how to fix accessibility issues, including step-by-step instructions and code examples.
* Compliance Reporting: We generate comprehensive compliance reports that demonstrate your organization's commitment to accessibility.

Benefits of AUX11

* Improved Accessibility: Our services help you to create and maintain accessible digital content that is available to all users, regardless of their abilities.
* Compliance with Regulations: Our services help you to comply with accessibility regulations and standards, such as WCAG 2.1 and Section 508.
* Enhanced User Experience: Our services improve the user experience for all visitors to your website, including users with disabilities.
* Increased Customer Satisfaction: Our services help you to increase customer satisfaction by providing an accessible and inclusive online experience.
* Reduced Legal Risk: Our services help you to reduce the risk of legal action related to accessibility violations.

Get Started with AUX11

Contact us today to learn more about our accessibility scanning and monitoring services. We offer a free consultation to assess your needs and develop a customized solution that meets your organization's unique requirements.